Take Your Photos To The Next Level

With New Photography Presets

Hey! My name is Evan Olbricht, and I specialize in surf photography in San Diego, California. I strive to capture the raw power and beauty of the ocean from a unique perspective. Whether you're a seasoned pro looking to show your skills, a passionate amateur wanting to capture your best wave, or a brand seeking stunning content, I offer personalized sessions tailored to your needs. Whether you are looking for someone to shoot the biggest swell of the year or showcase your product in new ways, I'm dedicated to bringing your vision to life. Let’s make it happen!

Youtube Channel

Evan has recently created a YouTube channel to help teach others the art of photography through his knowledge and experience. He is always striving to be the best that he can be and hopes to inspire those around him to do the same. Evan hopes that his work will serve as a motivator and reminder to push the boundaries and achieve new goals, just like he has done to become the photographer he is today.

Private Surf Sessions

New Presets Available Now!